What Are The Different Stages Of Orthodontic Braces Treatment? Brief Explanation
Orthodontic treatment with braces in Eagle Rock CA, has a high predictability rate and is widely successful. The number of treatment phases (by getting braces) ranges from two to three, depending on the severity of malocclusion or other irregularities in the teeth. There are a multitude of advantages associated with aligning crooked teeth. Primarily, straight teeth offer an aesthetically pleasing appearance and promote positive self-image and confidence. In addition, properly aligned teeth facilitate the jaw's natural biting, chewing, and speaking functions. Misaligned teeth come in various forms, leading to dental problems if left untreated. Different phases in orthodontic treatment Phase 1: The Planning Stage During the planning stage of getting braces in Glendale, the orthodontist conducts various evaluations to make an accurate diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan. This includes medical and dental evaluations to address any existing issues and takin...